Please continue to the next page to fill out or update the 2024 registration information.
Use the mailed invoice as a guide to fill out the online registration, if you have changes from what you were sent, you will be able to make them as you fill this out.
This is your official renewal for the 2024 season, and will established for emails, parties and access to the website.
**This form is not for brand new members.**
If you were not a 2023 member of the NLYC, please contact Alison for new membership information.
2024 Options for Payment include:
1. Write a check and mail to NLYC calculate 5% sales tax when writing your check
NLYC PO Box: P.O. Box 180154 Delafield WI 53018
2. Pay in two installments: Checks Only
Pay with check for Membership Renewal before April 30th.
Pay for fleet fees/lagoon/dry sail/kayak etc
Multiple checks sent into NLYC.
(a single payment is preferred, but we understand if you break it up, just please be sure to send in both payments before April 30th)
Once you have completed the form, and received your confirmation, please send in your check to the NLYC for the amount you owe.
Membership dues must be paid in full by April 30, 2024.
Family $515 ($540.75 with tax)
Individual $345($362.25 with tax)
Junior $ 80.00 ($84.00 with tax)
Senior Couple $255 ($267.75 with tax)
Senior Single $185 ($194.25 with tax)
Corresponding $85 ($89.25 with tax)
Emeritus $0
Please direct Membership questions to:
Jayson Kurfis
Please direct website registration questions to:
Nicole Prodoehl Kurfis
Select an option to continue with the registration.